Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Clearing the Air (Part 1)

I am splitting this blog up into sections as it may be a long one and I realize that can sometimes make it hard to read in one sitting for the busy lives most of us lead today.  Any feedback or recommendations are greatly appreciated and openly welcomed.  These last few years have been so happy, but have also been filled with horrible nightmares.  I love you all and hope you have a great rest of the week!  Here we go . . .


I am continually amazed at the love the Lord has for us, regardless of our stupidity.  I will be the first to admit that I have made mistakes in my life and I am usually quite open at admitting them.  I have had people blackmail me, pretend to know me, and tell people what "I have said" about them without ever even having known me.  I have had people research my past and blow it out of proportion and look at me like a satanic dog.

I have been threatened for the things that "I have done" and told that their wrath will spill out upon me.  They say this even though they are mislead by others they don't even know in person and trust them more than asking the people they really do know in person.  Trusting in unreliable information from an unknown source is not the smartest thing to do.  I am amazed at the stupidity of our modern society . . . I really am.  Not very many things surprise me after these last few years, but humankind never ceases to continue down the never-ending path of hopelessness.

I am writing today concerning the crippling effects of envy and covetousness.  I'm not sure many people know what it is like to have their complete past researched and thrown in their face, completely out of proportion.  Not only once, but continually for years.  I am now beginning to understand the principle of turning the other cheek, regardless of how much the world thinks they "know."

Looking back at the training I received on my mission, I realized a very important fact.  Christ, the most perfect individual to ever walk the earth, was hated by many.  Now, I am in now way saying that I am like Christ and want to make that perfectly clear.  What I am saying is that if the most perfect being to walk among men was not loved or even liked by everyone, why in the world should any of us think that we could accomplish such a task?

The spawning thought of this blog was to share a little of what has happened to me these past few years and the constant reminders that are thrown at me, even today.  I have been accused of saying horrendous words which are backed up solely by the testimony of one or two people whom I have never even spoken to or met personally.  It is interesting to note also, that when the two people try to confirm the same thing to them, the stories don't match up.  I have found that people who may seem to be your closest friends, no matter how much you do for them and their families, can still stab you in the back at the earliest opportunity . . . even if the reason is backed by unreliable evidence.

I am going to be completely open and honest in this.  I fell in love with the people of New Zealand during my two years of service there.  I loved everything about it . . . the culture, the food (especially the food), the people, and the laid-back lifestyle that is apparent there.  I have spoken with many people and it is not uncommon for a missionary to feel something inside for someone while they are out in the field.  This happened to me.

Now, I did not act upon those feelings while serving the Lord.  My downfall was writing a letter when I had finished service and leaving it behind when I went home.  In this letter, I in no way asked a girl to marry me . . . that is absurd!  I remember saying how impressed I was with their family and that I enjoyed the time I had to serve them.  I will admit that I did also say that I wouldn't mind taking this girl out on a date when I returned with my family, if she wanted or permitted it.  I was in no way requesting anything and anyone who knows me knows that I would not do that.

Continued in following Blog . . .

1 comment:

  1. I love you son. It is unfortunate that those jealous of you have tried to make you miserable - and have been some what successful. I know you're character and heart - therefore, I believe you.
